F A Q s
As all my client fees are negotiated with the client, this is a definite yes! I am thrilled to help make sure that military families can afford my services!
If I have no other doula clients in labor, I do not have a required scheduling deadline. I know that sometimes, we don’t realize we need labor support until the last moments or until something changes drastically with our plans. If I am not at another birth, I will do my best to come to you or help you find another doula who can be there!
Absolutely not. The mother and father of this baby will be the people who move forward together to create a family. It is my job to help that cohesion happen, encouraging him to be a part of things in every way he feels comfortable and mother needs while being his support for times he needs education, technique pointers, or to step away.
At this time, I do not offer encapsulation services. I do offer referrals upon request .
One of the main tenets of my care is open and informed consent. At this time, there is no evidence base that shows placenta encapsulation is safe or effective. Placentas have not been studied for hormone content or nutrient transfer for postpartum moms nor have they been studied for safety and/or appropriate standards to ensure safety if eaten (free of infection, contamination, and/or accumulation of harmful materials).
There are studies confirming that IMMEDIATELY after birth, a small piece of raw placenta or chewing on the umbilical cord may help to prevent postpartum hemorrhage. This is not the same as ingestion or encapsulation.
If you choose to encapsulate your placenta, I can refer you to other providers who have chosen to pursue that service.
COVID-19, Coronavirus disease, or SARS-CoV2 has affected us all. For more information on our services and COVID-19 click here.
At this time, Exhale Birth Services has not received hearing screening equipment from the state. You can find other locations for hearing screens here:
Newborn Hearing Screening (Washington State Department of Health)
I welcome doulas and other support at births because they are a sign that the mother knows what she needs. I would love to meet your doula so we can all be on the same page and connect! I encourage you to think of what your needs will be during labor for emotional and physical support, care for other children, meal prep, or if you have a challenging labor. A good doula can be a vital source of relief and information for you and your growing family.
Yes! See here.
I like to call it the I-90 corridor as well as the Snoqualmie Valley or the Eastside of Seattle. This includes:
Carnation, Duvall, Monroe, Lake Stevens
Bellevue, Redmond, Sammamish, Issaquah
Fall City, Snoqualmie, North Bend, Snoqualmie Pass
Woodinville, Kirkland, Bothell
Renton, Kent, Covington, and Maple Valley
And everywhere in between!
If I'm available and need to travel farther to you, give me a call and we can discuss!
*From November 1st to March 31st, I am unable to attend homebirths for clients up to Easton and Cle Elum due to the closing of the Snoqualmie Pass.
As a doula or midwife, I strive to take photographs when appropriate and when time and birthing needs allow. As this is not always the case and I am not a trained photographer.
I offer home visits on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. If you prefer to come to the office in Carnation, I schedule those visits on Thursday or Friday. While this can vary some, I find it works for clients that have varying levels of personal needs, travel time to work or home, or children at home. The 36-week visit is always a home visit as we discuss preparing for the birth. Convenience, ease, and flexibility for appointments is key!
Exhale Birth Services does not offer vaccines for either mother or baby. Please reach out to your primary care or pediatrician for these services.
Yes, SneakPeek is offered as early as 8 weeks.
Exhale Birth Services is focused on client needs, including understanding that sometimes pregnancy care plans change. Call or use the contact form to reach out and we can discuss what your options might be.
The answer is both simple and complicated but Exhale Birth Services is not an in-network provider for any insurance companies.
We are now using a private biller. You can look in your Client Portal for the appropriate billing form.
As of January 2020, EBS retained a biller for the convenience of my clients. When you come into care, you provide your insurance information and the biller runs a Verification of Benefits (VOB) to estimate out of pocket costs and potential insurance payments.
After you have received care, the biller files your insurance.
At that time, you owe the balance between what your insurance paid and the full fee.
Some clients prefer to pay the full fee by 36 weeks, then bill insurance for reimbursement.
Certain costs are not billable to insurance and must be paid at the time of service but this is outlined in the Financial Agreement/Fee Schedule discussed at the initial appointment.
If you have any questions, want to arrange for payments, or feel you have extenuating financial circumstances, please contact us to discuss your options.
I offer a receipt for services including my NPI number that you can then submit to your insurance provider for reimbursement. You can choose to pay with an HSA account or FSA account or make payments via Square with HSA payment/debit cards.
I have a very flexible payment schedule and I have accepted barter in the past. I am willing to discuss bartering only for goods and/or services I am actively seeking.